Thursday, November 09, 2006

Continued Studies - 05/26/2006



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


Again viewing our modern society, the human relationship and "development" within it - as well as that "area of tension" as result of the advent of electricity, I happened upon a metaphoric thought while enjoying the "partly sunshine" this early afternoon. That thought being of comparison yet again between the emulation of modern technology (being modern technology that is) and that substance and pattern of our otherwise, existence.

This perspective however, compares more the "duality" of that modern existence in ways I have addressed elsewhere, and the "idea" and action of the proliferation of our species. Immediately I am struck with a more in depth understanding of subtle differences between proliferation, propagation, breeding and even perpetuating.

I find this after pondering the different dynamics I have mentioned - combined even.

There is noticeably a "quality" element lacking in many areas of the human species - as much as well, as a growing "shallowness" of understanding which I have attributed mostly to that over saturation of "two dimensional" influence and the ease and convenience of modern existence.

Essentially I now realize with more depth of understanding, that the human ability to have children.... to "propagate" the species physically - isn't necessarily firmly attached to actual "progress" within the human development. This further supports the assertions I have made pertaining to a natural connectivity with something larger - and increasingly confined within - then funneled through modern media forms in our modern day (perhaps displaced as I have described, with the presence in volume of said forms of media).

In actuality, it is that the population has grown - and in some cases this has been done for the silliest of reasons such as procuring larger amounts of government funding - especially per political alignment without consideration for the "human qualities" which should accompany such conception (in my opinion), gestation and child birth.

11/09/2006 - As a note and just to re-assert a point here, there is another problematic area within this social spectrum pertaining to furthering the populous. It is very much that a person would be hard pressed to find a mother with a "dumb" child so to speak. In so many words, in their perspective - each and every one respectively is of a level of "quality." This is rightly a part of the intended result from our moder version of "civility," but what is unfortunate is that in a very real sense, if it were that a person or governing body made decisions based solely on those opinions of "quality" from said perspectives, that level of cumulative "quality" would most likely drop continuously. This not being so much the fault of those mentioned (and intended areas of social privilege through out society) opinions which span all classes... but from my perspective, is more as result in the ease of influencing those opinions - and thusly, re-establishing a standard of sorts within them for what ever reasons.

How then to maintain an actual level of "quality" outside of the "popular" and very "adjustable" topical sense without breaching that intended area of social ease and progress? How does society then maintain "actual" levels of quality and progress without finding some area being seen as transgression to the fact that "no mothers child is dumb?" Further, "no modern, media driven mothers child is dumb."

How does society guard itself, from itself in that sense?

It would seem that in these areas most saturated with those "two dimensional" influences - those human elements have been diluted in a more pronounced fashion, which in turn helps to perpetuate and accentuate that which is also produced within that "ease" of living.

I am in no way saying that humans should no longer have such "ease" of living - only that I have noticed that physical propagation of the species isn't necessarily accompanied in a mandatory fashion with that naturally occurring "progression" within that larger influence. That as well isn't to say that such populations are "better" or "worse" - only that I notice our physical existence and basic manifestation isn't entirely dependent upon the larger movement and "progress" of human development.

The metaphoric comparison deals with this realization and what I have known about existence not related to the over saturated areas of society from said "two dimensional" influences.

Again, I feel that perhaps such is as result of that schism and resulting disjointed dynamic from the incredible advent (the extraordinary circumstance of human derivation) of technology beginning with popularized and saturated use of electricity.

It is that I have known "large families" - being one (the youngest) of five children myself. Yet when considering a comparison of the over saturated "modern convenience" large family, and those examples I have observed that weren't so over exposed (nor "large" for ulterior reasons) - I noticed the distinct difference of a developmental sort. As if those over saturated examples are barren of a certain type of "depth" - some even to a "common sense" level.

I find that things I have simply known and even taken for granted as a normality in my life as standard knowledge - appear to be some sort of advanced information - more differing information with a certain extended insight - in some ways. Even basic "cause and effect" progressions seem alien in many ways to many of those given examples.

Again, this isn't to say "better" or "worse," only that a distinct area of change within our species seems to be developing.

This as well stands to support the idea that "substance" isn't automatically conveyed within the human "procreation" process. Which in turn then supports the existence of some other dynamic within connectivity.

The act of bearing children isn't necessarily "procreation" in the depth of meaning and understanding of that word - neither is it necessarily "progress" of life or the species. "Change" isn't necessarily "progress."

Such is true within modern technological advance as well. It is possible to see this by simply examining the internet for instance.

There are nearly countless "web sites" with a smaller percentage of them being of significance, and those that are usually steal from the others for "dominance" anyhow - which again is a direct reflection on modern society - with both examples being nearly equally without "human substance" so to speak - without that "depth" of understanding beyond modern convenience and that "consumer mentality."


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